Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Kell-y Turnball

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The cover and compact disc artwork for the print version of the anthology were created by Kell-y

My recent drawing projects, including the pieces for this anthology, have been my attempt to revisit a subject matter that is familiar and dear to me – the natural world. I attempted to compose my work for this publication in such a way as to show the relationships of organisms with each other and the elements, a fundamental principle of ecology. Combine the “wildness” of my typical subjects and the civility of recording through writing such matters of natural order, and my piece becomes an analogue for the concept of “Writing on the wild side.”

Creative Writing

Writing Wild: A Unique Form of Expression

E-mail Kell-y

Kell-y Turnbull’s home state of Washington provides the backdrop for many of her artistic endeavors. She grew up in the suburbs of Seattle, beginning college at the age of fourteen to pursue her passion for anthropology and drawing, and is intending to continue her education through self-study. She lives in Bellevue.