Published on The American Eye (http://www2.evergreen.edu/americaneye)


By admin
Created 2007-01-02 14:39


The American Eye  ----  Final Presentation Schedule


Monday, December 3   Library 1326


9:00    Nadia                                    

9:25    Anna

9:50    Logan

10:15  John

10:40  Bonnie

11:05  Jason

11:30  Chelsea


Wednesday, December 5   Library 1540 and (at 10:00) Library 2310


9:00   Maurice

9:25   Charlie

10:05   Heather

10:30  Zoe

10:55  Maxime

11:20  Sarah

11:45  Nikki


Thursday, December 6    SEM2 A2107 and (after 10:00) ARTS ANNEX


9:00     Maresha

9:25     Kirsten

10:05   Joshua

10:30   Robert

10:55   Curtis

11:20   Katie


1:00   Collin

1:25   Fran

1:50   Jennifer



Remember: it’s good to do a dry-run rehearsal BEFORE your presentation to make sure everything is working smoothly and correctly.  Don’t assume that the equipment in the rooms will necessarily work with whatever media you have.  Those of you who present on Monday should get there early to run a check; the rest of you can try out your spaces on Tuesday if the rooms are free, but you might need to enlist the help of someone at Media Services to help you gain access to the projection equipment.


First Seminar Paper:

 Your first seminar paper will be due on Thursday, October 11, and will serve as your admission to our seminar that day on The Jungle.  The paper should be 2 - 3 pages long, typed, and should be a considered reflection on some aspect of the book (not a summary of the plot!) that intrigued you. 

SECOND SEMINAR PAPER: THE GREAT GATSBY  -----  Once again, this paper should be 2-3 pages in length, and (again) you should NOT write merely a plot summary.  Rather, write about the relationship between two of the characters in the book, showing how Fitzgerald uses language rather than action to suggest the depth or breadth of that relationship. In order to do this effectively, you will have to point to specific parts of the text and specific words that are used. The paper will be due Monday morning, October 22.

THIRD SEMINAR PAPER:  On The Road or Fear and Loathing.  Your final paper for the quarter---which, like the previous two should be 2-3 papges in length---can be on either On The Road or Fear and Loathing Since both of the books are autobiographical  in nature, I'd like you to write about what you think are the author's feelings about America. What do they love about this place, and what do they hate about it?  Are they liberal or conservative? Honest or ironic?  As always when writing, point to VERY SPECIFIC PASSAGES IN THE TEXT that support your arguments.  If you write on On the Road, the due date is November 15; if you write on Fear and Loathing, the due date is November 29.  This means that you can choose either to write on the first book and not have to worry about any more papers after Thanksgiving break, or put writing off until after the break is over.

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