advanced chemistry

Quantum Mechanics Syllabus

Spring Quarter - 2008

1 10 variation principle and theorem, wavefunctions for multi-electron atoms, multi-electron atom term symbols
2 10 & 11 Russel-Saunders and j-j coupling schemes, spin-orbit splitting energy, selection rules for atomic electronic transitions, Hamiltonian for the hydrogen molecular ion, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, wavefunction for the hydrogen molecular ion
3 11 energy for the hydrogen molecular ion, LCAO-MO method, quantum mechanical treatment of the hydrogen molecule, angular momenta of diatomic molecules
4 11 term symbols of diatomic molecules, valence bond method and hybridization model as approximate methods of bonding models, introduction to Huckel MO theory
5 11 & 13 Huckel MO theory, rotational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules (selection rules, energies, population of levels, characteristics of spectra)
6 13 rotational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules (selection rules, energies, population of levels, characteristics of spectra)
7 13 vibration-rotation spectroscopy of diatomic molecules
8 13 & 14 vibration-rotation spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules, electronic spectra of molecules


Winter Quarter - 2008

1 9

history of the development of quantum mechanics, blackbody radiation, properties of emr, Planck's equation, relationships between energy, frequency, wavelength and wavenumber for light waves, de Broglie equation, Bohr's structure of the atom

2 9 Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schrodinger equation, Born's interpretation of the wavefunction, requirements of a well-behaved wavefunction, eigen values, eigen functions, postulates of quantum mechanics, operators
3 9 properties of Hermitian operators, operators that commute, particle in a 1-dimentional box
4 9 particle in a 3-dimentional box, classical simple harmonic oscillator, its applications to molecules, quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator
5   Career Week Activities
6   Mid-term exam + presentation by geology candidate
7 9 odd and even functions, rigid rotor (classical and quantum mechanical), spherical polar coordinate system, vectors
8 9 and 10 operators for angular momentum and its components, eigen values involving the angular momentum operators, energy and wavefunctions of hydrogen like atoms, atomic units, Rydberg formula, series observed in the emission spectrum of hydrogen, diagrams of radial parts of the H atom wavefunctions
9 10 Zeeman effect, electron spin, solving the Schrodinger equation for the He atom


Web page made and maintained by: Dr. Dharshi Bopegedera

Web Page Updated on: May 14, 2008
Academic Program Pages