"Perhaps the first obstacle to writing even these random notes on dialogue is that the very word, dialogue, has been temporarily turned into a cliché. Everybody is loudly demanding dialogue, and there is not much evidence that most of us are prepared to carry one on. Indeed, to borrow a traditional phrase from professional diplomats, conversations have deteriorated."
Individual Research
All students will complete an individual research project or field study. In this version of “Awareness” the project will include a substantial piece of writing. You must determine what you want to learn and how you want to learn it.
Community & Peer Groups
People should help take care of one another. This is an all-level program, which means our learning community is comprised of a range of students from freshpersons to seniors, including transfer students. One basis of your community will be the peer group.
We will engage in a practice of meditative reading modeled on the monastic practice of lectio divina. “For the monk, reading is not one activity but a way of life.” ... We will approach our texts with an eye for joyful and serious discernment of their wisdom.
Yoga & Somatic Studies
We will be integrating somatic (body-based) learning practices into our study.
Mind Maps
At the center of each map place a question that arises out of that week’s reading. From this central question, use the map to follow your lines and circles of thought. By "thought" we mean more than simple intellection or understanding; we want you to find a question that will launch a sensual inquiry.
Portfolios and Evaluations
Self criticism and thoughtful self evaluation are central practices of this program. Maintain a portfolio documenting all aspects of your work.