Published on christian roots (http://www2.evergreen.edu/christianroots)

Juliana Kimbrell

I find Aristotle’s idea of God very interesting. To summarize Grant; Aristotle was looking for the source of change, and he saw change as a form of motion.  “All bodies in the universe are subject to change, because the possess matter, which is always in the process of changing”(17) Through logical reason Aristotle hit upon his idea of God as an Unmoved Mover. And this Unmoved Mover was the cause of all change in the universe by being an object of desire. “All things move in order to get as close as possible to God.”(17) Also note that the Unmoved Mover was incorporeal. (Grant) Explore the parallel between Aristotle’s God and Gravity? Do you think Aristotle was aware (even subconsciously) of this force so long before Newton, and having no other reference coined many of its characteristics as God?
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