Published on City Life (http://www2.evergreen.edu/citylife)

in class meeting notes (11/01/07)

here are the notes from the meeting in class today, guys. let me know if i forgot anything. i will post the list of books in a minute, i have links for them and i'm trying to hyperlink them, but it's not working.

Winter quarter ideas

THEME/FOCUS city life: identities and communities in modern culture
*the relevance of cities
*how cities sustain themselves
*urban culture: youth, arts, entertainment/activities, fashion
*the reconstruction of cities
*the creation of small communities within cities
*the uniqueness of modern cities
*identity formation

*scavenger hunt/field recordings: potential quarter-long project where we travel to cities in small groups and make an audio recording, voted in favor of
*film screenings: small groups screen movies within their groups and then present them to the class, suggested for the last half of the quarter, a lot of     discussion, decided to discuss more later
*student facilitated seminar: people can volunteer to facilitate seminar (book or film) the day before the seminar, it’s not required for everyone to facilitate a seminar, and not every seminar has to be facilitated
*plan an event in Olympia applying our research
*use the movement studio time to create an “identity” performance piece in small groups
*create a blog on the website to post current events and relevant articles, also discuss current city events in class
*go to a city event and write a journalistic piece on it
*bring in more dance teachers to learn specific dances linked to our weekly curriculum

10-12 workshops
1-3:30 city stories

10-12 book seminar
12-12:30 announcements, etc.
1-3 writing groups

10-11:30 movement studio
12:30-3 film
3-4 film seminar
4-4:30 weekly wrap-up

media skills
ethnography: what is it?, process
travel plans: where you’re staying, research methods, contacts, research contacts

‹ Winter Quarter Films? [0]what do people want to study? › [0]

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