Published on Evolving Communication (http://www2.evergreen.edu/evolvingcommunication)



Evolving Communication: Student/Faculty Covenant

Fall 2007-Winter 2008

Subject Matter and Goals

Evolving Communication is an interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature of communication, its systems, and its evolution.  This inquiry is broad, involving communication in the natural world and human language.  It is also deep, requiring a thorough understanding of concepts in biology and linguistics. The reading may require 8 hours of your time each week, and perhaps more, depending on how you take notes and how fast you read various types of material.  There are two weekly writing assignments as well as linguistic analysis questions to complete, which will take from 5-8 hours each week.  We will have quizzes every two weeks, and a final exam.  In addition you will participate in a group project and write your own final essay based on that project. All of this work is designed to help you learn to analyze, synthesize, think critically, and gain a voice (both literally and metaphorically).  We have high expectations of your work, and hope to allow many of you to gain upper division science or linguistics credit in winter quarter.  The work fall quarter is preparatory to that, and you must get full credit in fall to be considered for this option of upper division science or linguistics credit.  You should plan on devoting at least 40 hours per week to this program.  If you do not have 40 hours of focused time available each week, and can't rearrange your life to obtain them, we recommend choosing a different program.

It is essential that all members of the program show respect for others, maintain civil discourse, and adhere to the Social Contract (http://www.evergreen.edu/aboutevergreen/social.htm [1]).

The faculty assume that students are able to meet the college-level requirements of the program.  For help with writing, students should schedule time with a writing tutor in the Writing Center.  If students have learning disabilities, they should contact Access Services (867-6348) and inform themselves of the resources the college offers.  In addition, it is very important to inform your seminar leader of your disability at the earliest possible date so that accommodations can be made.  If you have other responsibilities that result in your not meeting program requirements, it is essential that you speak with your seminar leader to discuss the ways in which you can minimize credit loss.

Commitments of the faculty to the students

We agree to enter into a learning community with you and the other students and to:

Faculty expectations of students

Students will:

•2.      Come regularly and on time to all class activities, with any assigned readings or work completed. Turn in all required assignments on time. We will not accept late work.

Requirements for Awarding of Credit

Credit will be awarded for participating in and completing the entire body of work for the program at an acceptable level.   See the "First day handout" for details.

Grievance Procedures

Evergreen has a long-standing policy that conflicts should, if at all possible, be resolved through respectful, face-to-face discourse.  Students agree to the following steps should a conflict arise with another student. 

Students leaving the program

A student may be asked to leave the program for failure to meet the guidelines set forth in this covenant, or for behavior that is consistently disruptive or antagonistic to the program or its participants.

Acknowledgment of Covenant

By your continued enrollment in this program, you hereby acknowledge, accept and agree to the conditions in it.

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