Published on Evolving Communication (http://www2.evergreen.edu/evolvingcommunication)


Winter quarter: Discourse Analysis

Each week you should read the chapter assigned in Johnstone's Discourse Analysis prior to classWeeks 4, 6, & 8 you will have a project to complete including a paper. These will be attached below.  Project #1 is due Jan. 28.  Each of your papers will indicate your learning as will your work in class on exercises and your final exam. When writing the final exam you may use your book and notes.

Weekly assigned exercises will be listed here.  

Jan 7: you should be prepared to discuss exercise 1.8 pp. 24-26. You do not need to submit any work.

Jan 14: read chapter 2 and be prepared do discuss exercises 2.5 pp. 35-6; 2.6 pp. 41-2.  You will have only a few moments to share your ideas in small groups and then report out, so do these exercises before class.  They can be in note form, responses will not be collected.

Jan. 24: Class reduced to one hour lecture on Nonverbal Behavior.

Jan. 28: We will finish discussing chapter 2, so review the notion of the agent and patient (active and passive voice), epistemic forms (indicating levels of certainty), and language ideology. Be prepared to discuss exercises 2.14 on pp 63-65; and 2.22 p. 70. Read CH. 3.

Feb. 4: We will finish discussing chapter 3, pp 101-127. 

Feb. 11:  Your discourse project #2 has been postponed for two weeks due to difficulties accessing the Stanford website.  For those of you who were able to find a way to do the original assignment, you have a choice of continuing with your analysis or doing the new assignment.  Please read chapter 4. Write a short esssay (150 words or fewer) in response to exercise 4.5 on p. 136.  Instead of discussing several discourse communities, respond to the questions as they regard the seminar.  Try to think of indexical forms of language which establish the social meanings your identify.  You might think of the phrases we use or you have heard in seminar first and then think of what it is that they index if that's easier.  At any rate, you will want to be descriptive here, not general.

Project_2Revised is now attached below. The clips you will be analyzing were recorded as final projects in another program, Art of Conversation. They were attached to that website so they are very small in size, but good quality video and audio.  Please let me know if you have difficulty accessing these clips.  Your report is due Monday, Feb. 25.

Feb. 21: Read chapter 5 on prior texts (pp 162-194) and reflect on game theory and conversation.

Feb 25: Read chapter 7: Intention and intrpretation. 

Study Guide for the Discourse Exam:


How will the exam be organized?


Bring your text, assignments, and notes!  These are suggestions for studying. Reviewing what we discussed in class is the best preparation.


Acoustic Phonetics Workshop.doc [1]45 KB
Project_2revised.doc [2]27.5 KB
Transcription Conventions.doc [3]23.5 KB
Project_1.doc [4]24 KB

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