Published on Evolving Communication (http://www2.evergreen.edu/evolvingcommunication)

Winter Quarter Description

Evolving Communication: Winter quarter, 2008Winter quarter we will not accept new students unless they have prior coursework in evolutionary biology and linguistics.  As a result, we will be able to move on in our work, building on what we have studied fall quarter, and there will be the possibility to do upper division work. Your work will, naturally, need to be of very high quality to get this credit designation.  We envisage some students receiving full credit, but not receiving upper division credits.  There will be a possibility of 8 upper-division credits in biology or 8 upper division credits in linguistics, but not both because your project will be worth 4 credits and it must be centered in biology or linguistics.  Readings for Winter quarter. Themes: Required Work: o        For Biology:  You will work primarily in pairs if you incorporate biological field work (with at least one member having experience in research methods).  You may also decide to write a literature review that investigates a still open question in biology, or that tests a hypothesis; this work would be done alone.  For either type of paper, you will make extensive use of the primary literature. More details about this work will be forthcoming.o        For Linguistics: Everyone will learn a few research methodologies for studying conversation, so it is possible to work individually. If you want to work with another student, a good way to do that would be to look at one phenomenon from more than one perspective.  You will analyze conversation (your own recording, from U Tube, or other sources) and do library research on primary literature.  

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