Published on Evolving Communication (http://www2.evergreen.edu/evolvingcommunication)


End of Winter Quarter Amazing Links!

 This website summarizes research on primates learning language. You might recognize the newsletter:   

http://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/07-10-31.html#feature [6]

Here is a website for help learning the IPA: http://hctv.humnet.ucla.edu/departments/linguistics/VowelsandConsonants/course/chapter1/flash.html [7]

A good film examining pre-history is Quest for Fire.  We don't have time to show it in the program, but it's well done in terms of what was known about Cro-Magnons in the 1980s.

Pygmalion  is a film about a phonetician who claims he can change a flower girl's dialect into a completely different one.  We watched a few minutes of the film in class Monday, Oct. 22, and we encourage you to watch the entire film.  It is in our library at the college.

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