ARCHIVE - evolving communication group evolving communication group en ARCHIVE - Resources <p><strong>End of Winter Quarter Amazing Links!</strong></p><ul><li>Ape Genius, a Nova program that is not yet out on DVD, so we couldn&#39;t show it in class, but it&#39;s available on line: very up to date research and shows many experiments we&#39;ve read.  <a href=""></a></li><li>Maya recommends these talking cats, very cute: <a href=""></a></li><li>I recommend this commercial from Dunkin Donuts called &quot;Frtalian.&quot; We cannot be bothered with other languages:  <a href=""></a></li><li>A great interview with Deborah Tannen about language and gender: <a href=""></a></li><li>A review of Turin&#39;s new book:  <em>Perfumes: The Guide</em>:  <a href=""></a></li></ul><p> This website summarizes research on primates learning language. You might recognize the newsletter:   </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Tue, 02 Jan 2007 14:42:33 -0800 admin 6 at ARCHIVE - Projects <p align="left"><strong>Here is the URL for the reference page that Sarah Pedersen, our reference  librarian liaison has made for our program research project: <a href="/pederses/"></a></strong></p><p align="left"><strong>Look on the right for our program name, and click. You&#39;ll have all the resources at your fingertips!</strong></p><p align="left"><font face="times new roman,times"><font size="3"><strong>Discourse Projects:  </strong>Attached below is your assignment for Feb. 7.</font></font></p><p align="left"><font face="times new roman,times" size="3"><strong>Biology Projects:  </strong>Peer Review on Thursday, February 7:<div>Everyone bring enough hard-copies of your document to share with all members of your group.</div><div><br /></div><div>Field bio groups: Each team should write a single document, a draft of the Introduction to your final paper. Look at the Introductions in other empirical research, in journals like Ecology, Evolution, and Animal Behavior. Taxonomic-group specifics journals (e.g. Copeia, The Auk) tend to be much more restricted in scope, and do not provide good examples of broad, theoretically-compelling Intros. </div><div><br /></div><div>Literature review projects: Each individual should write both a) a detailed outline that shows the organization of and topics in your paper, as you now imagine it; and b) a  section of your paper, representing one complete, well-reasoned, fully referenced section of your paper, from anywhere in your outline (that is, it doesn&#39;t have to be from the beginning, or be the main argument, etc.) You should make it clear where this section falls in your outline, and how its arguments fit in to the paper as a whole.</div></font></p> Tue, 02 Jan 2007 14:39:17 -0800 admin 4 at ARCHIVE - Handouts <p>Handouts will be posted throughout the quarter here for Heather&#39;s biology lectures.</p><p>Please find a handout on doing biology research below. Also, please find the handout with readings for biology with notes for the primate lecture (for Wed. Jan. 30). </p><p>Below is a handout for Heather&#39;s lecture Wed. Jan. 30. (LectH2)</p><p>Below is a handout for Heather&#39;s lecture Wed. Feb. 6.</p><p>Below is a handout for Heather&#39;s lecture Wed. Feb. 13</p><p>Below is a handout for Heather&#39;s lecture Wed. Feb. 27</p> Tue, 02 Jan 2007 14:37:03 -0800 admin 3 at ARCHIVE - Assignments <p><strong>Winter quarter: Discourse Analysis</strong></p><p>Each week you should read the chapter assigned in Johnstone&#39;s <em>Discourse Analysis</em> prior to class<em>.  </em>Weeks 4, 6, &amp; 8 you will have a project to complete including a paper. These will be attached below.  Project #1 is due Jan. 28.  Each of your papers will indicate your learning as will your work in class on exercises and your final exam. When writing the final exam you may use your book and notes.</p><p>Weekly assigned exercises will be listed here.  </p><p>Jan 7: you should be prepared to discuss exercise 1.8 pp. 24-26. You do not need to submit any work.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Tue, 02 Jan 2007 14:33:28 -0800 admin 2 at