ARCHIVE - Evolving Communication - Week IV Deutscher argues that we use metaphors in everyday language and prose and that our use of metaphor indicates a movement from the concrete to the abstract in language. This point may make you wonder about scientific writing (a type of prose): do we find metaphor there, too? Choose a passage (3-4 sentences) in your reading for Hauser this week, locate, and analyze the metaphors he uses. How do these metaphors highlight the idea(s) he is presenting? What might possibly be hidden from the reader by the use of these metaphors? This essay will be focused on analysis of a passage, so you will need to type the passage first, italicizing the metaphors as Deutscher does on p. 119-20. Choose a short passage that has lots of metaphors so that you can think about this question of highlighting and hiding ideas. Work on creating a solid thesis statement as usual. You may, of course, refer to your passage, in effect quoting the metaphors. (Recall that normally we ask you NOT to quote.) en