Proposed Objectives

By planning and then travelling to Peru, students will develop a critical appreciation of different ways to gather and apply information, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Students will learn self-respect while drawing upon inherent resources and motivation for developing the whole person, and design important self-reliant, life foundation standards for a meaningful education to share with others.

By experiencing a Freirian education environment that allows them to compare different cultural settings and educational systems, we will get to the major goal of Native American Studies which is to provide an open, alternative education opportunity through experiencing a Native American philosophy of education that promotes self-determination, individual research, goal setting, internal motivation and self-reliance.

This component is designed to serve participants interested in enriching their unique cultural heritage and developing strategies for self-determination in a pluralistic society; and also to those interested in learning about traditional cultures and values including the dynamics of change in a Latin American society.

The on campus Native American Studies, in keeping with student self-determined education, includes programs to complement various cognitive styles. In this component to travel to Peru, there are many interdisciplinary opportunities. Examples of such collaboration include studies in history, science, environmental studies, health, culture and language and the expressive arts.
