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Mykey's blogHow I fell inlove with my prosthesis
I decided to write about concepts and principles that I don't feel comfortable sharing about. but it made me think about material and immaterial and what the difference is and if there is a difference and, there really isn't. because the brain can be damaged and the immaterial things in the brain can be lost as a result.
Submitted by Mykey on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 12:15pm.
beautiful girl
I thought that the woman was on a conveyor belt being built by man and had to be done before she go wise to what was going on I also thought that BMW means Buy men Women and when It was flipped upside down it meant Men women buy. I drew a picture of it to.
Submitted by Mykey on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 12:12pm.
Feminist vidsThe first video I thought the form didn't fit the content. It would have been better in a gallery played on a little tv. I liked the concept of the subject being outside of the object and still and object. When the womans head poked out from the side of the screen. The second one was great I felt both turned on and disgusted by it they were over the top in sexuality and sexism. The third one was hilarious My parents had an electric wok like that one. The wonder woman one was a little silly it had a great message in the end. It reminded me of Pumping iron 2.
Submitted by Mykey on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 12:02pm.
Metropolis Written blog"The mediator between the head and the hands is the heart." "The mediator between the head and the hands is the heart." The robot has boobs and femaine face and femine hips. The home environment was built for women and the work environment for men. The workers follow directions and the boss give them. The bodies are contorted when trying to obey the machines. You always have to have your legs spreed apart to work the machines. I noticed that in the metropolis underground the workers moved together in a block even when the walk way was larger and open in there city. They made the choice to work as a unit even when striking they were never liberated it wasn't untell the one of them that switched places with joh that he became able to think for himself. It also seemed that the heart machine just kept people alive but not really happy.
Submitted by Mykey on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 11:50am.
answering machine ?
I am general electric Digital answering machine. I was born in Milasia from parents in japan and the phillipenes. I speak to you through digital storage of voice. I communicate to the person who built me and the person who would change or fix me through my culture. I have a stomach that is called a fuse that dispenses the energy throughout my body and my fat is my 5.5v internal battery. My brain is a toshiba processor and my nervous system is attached to my exoskeleton and protected by my flesh, it response when it is pressed in certain places. I have 5 different identity's which I store in my memory banks. I have 4 mouths a speaker, phone jack, a display, and a power inlet. My legs are my phone cords which walk me to your mouth and ear. You can control me by learning my culture and stimulating my nervous system. Thank you for getting to know me.
Submitted by Mykey on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 11:24am.
Cyborgs as a solution corpus
When reading about cyborgs I can't help but wonder about the significance of them interms of sexuality. It seems impossible to define what a cyborg is and what any givin cyborg might be completely different than any other. The realm of cyborg is seemingly limitless. No classifications no scientific process can catagorize them becasue they don't exsite. And if they did it would be pointless because they could be changed from what they would be catagorized as. But to think that they could be us is impossible because they aren't anything other than an idea or art. But art _is_ representing reality and their for is reality, so that is a contradiction in it's self and makes cyborgs seemingly real. I get really confused thinking about it but it makes sense in the way that Queer isn't anything em particular it is allot of things and it can't be defined either. I think that cyborgs can be a tool I guess is what I am trying to say. They can help us to find questions to ask about reality. And find out if anything can really be defined or all inclusive for that matter.
Submitted by Mykey on Tue, 11/06/2007 - 9:40am.
corpus bercht
I can't help but think about Brecht when I saw The raiders of the lost arch at the capitol theatre this weekend it took 8 years for it to be remade by 10 year olds and it was fantastic. The realism of spielberg and lucas really did ruboff on the young filmmakers of this movie they reconstructed every set and every effect using the creativity and briliance. The concept of alienation was over whelming with every scene you were picking apart how the did it and looking at the film through this lens of how they could do somthing like that with so little. It really does show how theatricts often miss the point.
Submitted by Mykey on Sun, 11/04/2007 - 3:43pm.
beauty parlor
Mauss and Douglas made the social and cultural representations at the book store really come out at me. I was thinking about doing the beauty parlor on a magazine buy I was having trouble deciding which one to get at the super market so I decided to go the book store because I thought they would be the authority on the best ones. When I got there I noticed the magizines where the first thing you see when approaching the bookstore through the window and then the classifications of men’s interest being porn, sports, car, and music. And the women’s interests having beauty, bridal, family, food, and crafts. If this was at the front of the store what would be awaiting in the rest of it. In the music section I noticed the black artist where on the bottom and white where on the top. Pregnancy section was all white women and the same homey take on pregnant life. Sports were ¾ white guys ¼ black and the only girls were cheerleaders. Education and teaching aids where all standardized tests books. Cook books mostly guys. Excises was 15 males and 3 females doing yoga. Grooming had 20 females, some of the books where written by men. They had two sections of sexuality one entitled sexuality all sex books and the other love and sex all sex books. And they where right next to cooking and in the same section as psychology, recovery, addiction, relationships, self improvement. Computer section had 32 white males 4 females all half naked. And the rest of the sections had a similar pattern.
Submitted by Mykey on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 3:55pm.
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