Hannah Hoch "The Beautiful Girl"

Gwendolyn locks and puff ruffle coral tied with a pin to umbrella bird bulbs- is the girl-person the sum of her parts? The shapes (in any order)  to crank and wind Eyes darker and darker, turned to shade et pulvis et umbra, visne? The pattern of your dress, doll manequin, the disco ball reflects it on All of our faces-the same- but YOU are the only ones looking. What is this awareness of being looked at we bear as "consciousness"?  My consciousness is live-tuned to your looking at me, I am a living, walking reflection. I am an adult in control of my senses. I am no longer a walking reflection, I am indispensable, "but there is all this love between us", I tell her to fall asleep.. "None of these distinguishing characteristics were external...  I felt as if I were in the grip of a foreign substance... all surface, like glass eyes."


(That late quote was from Haruki Murakami's "The Wind Up Bird Chronicle".) 

Submitted by Gianna on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 3:19pm. Gianna's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version