Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

The Form of "The Form"

By Blythe
Created 9 Oct 2007 - 4:36pm

The form of the form of the form; the form of the form should conform to your form and the color of the form should conform to your color (or the color you presumably fictively in actual reality are, perhaps). On your form you should confess your form and your color and the forms and colors of the other forms that sprung from your form (your little forms). If you are an unmarried form there is a separate form with corresponding color, though colored forms should refer themsel (f) (ves) 21048 to the blank form and fill in their color in the appropriate box.

The form of your work should transform the second page of this for(u)m - please record the forms your work takes and the way in which your body is (con) <> (trans) <> formed by the process.

If your state of mind is yet unformed, attach a form stating clearly your formlessness and the unformed ideas which will maybe always sometimes strike you in the future, especially if you are a pauper.

Are you a pauper?

If you are a homeless child, please roll your left index finger in dirt and wipe it in the mud-shaped box on the front of this form. Please then take your nose and roll it also in the dirt and place the imprint on the 2econd (Twond) (deuxieme) form (this has been previously heretofore dirt-rolled, for consistency and your convenience) and we will decide the form your form should take once it arrives at our offices.

Race: <> on your mark      Color: <> mauve

            <> get set                             <> neon green

            <> go                                   <> plaid


Please list here all of the bad things you have ever done:

<                                                                             > D

<                                                                             > O

<                                                                             > O

<                                                                             > M

Please pay no attention to the word 'doom'.

If you married once, divorced, had children, divorced them, remarried, separated, immaculately conceived, died, were reborn, grew up, became a homosexual, were enslaved, became emancipated, got a job and moved to West Virginia, please fill out form FORM48@#!248888005ive on the back of this sheet.

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