Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Circus-There is a method to my Madness...I mean form!

By Sarah
Created 9 Oct 2007 - 5:44pm

The Form of “The Form”


This should only take a few minutes.

Well that’s good.

Ok, first things first, name?

Joe Hansen.

Oh Mr. Joe Hansen.  How old are you Mr. Joe Hansen?

I’m 36, why?

It’s only a question.

Whatever just make it quick!

So Joe, you got a wife?  Huh, maybe some hooligans?

Yeah, I guess her name’s Susan Beam, no kids though.

No kids!  Well that makes this easier.

Does it?

Alright wise guy, where do you reside?

22 Shockingly Lame Blvd.

What kind of housing, stick build, a mobile and how much acreage?

It’s a decent one level stick build on two acres.

And the Utilities?

Everything’s electric plus an additional woodstove.


I’m an engineer.

Well that must pay very well for you dainty lifestyle.

What did you say?

Never mind.  What about your income?

Roughly 86 Grand a year.

Perfect.  What do you use for transportation?

To work or in private?

Is there a difference?

Well I carpool to work and drive an 86’ Buick.

A Buick?

Yeah, that’s right!

Whatever you say Mr. Hansen.

Are we almost finished here, it’s getting late.

Do you have other plans?

Are you changing the subject?

No…No…ok, so we’ve covered name, housing, occupation, transport and marital status.  All I need now is age, ethnicity, language, birth date and any other information from you that’ll complete this form.

This is pretty invasive don’t you think and besides that, I never got your name!

Oh Joe, it’s just so we can keep track of every little aspect that relates to you, and for the record, you don’t need to know my name.

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