Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Census Play- in class writing

By Amanda
Created 11 Oct 2007 - 11:13pm
Page 2 of writing [0]

The play of plays! This identifying specimen presented by the Bureau of the Census holds the key to it’s peoples identities, where it’s puppets are strung about by the puppeteers across a stage. Why this constant masquerade, why this intrusion and control of these delicate puppets?
Maestro, sound the music! Hold fast to your seats, audience, for we present a masterpiece of wood! We give you an influence!
Now…fantasy bubble fades, reality sets in motion. Check the boxes! “What are you? Who do you belong to?” “The head of the House?” comes a questioning response.
How the societal influence of such a specimen can inflict on a being. Now, the uniqueness and supposed individuality is categorized and squeezed into areas next to a check box. “Check yes or no, darling!” Where do you fit in with society?
“How useful is your body” could be the main title for this questionnaire of questionnaires! Utility is the key ingredient in this whole apple pie. The body; the self is no use unless usable. Questions about a person’s usefulness and validity of citizenship blur underneath a pen (blue or black ink of course) as these humans full out lines, check boxes, and ultimately discover deepening identifying characteristics of themselves.


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