Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Identity Performance Freewrite

By Kira
Created 17 Oct 2007 - 1:54pm
I clearly didn't understand the prompt, but here's what came up:

I find it difficult to pinpoint what it might be like to perform my identity, per say, because I have an absence of experiences against which to compare such a concept. I feel that I never stop performing. Sometimes, of course, my performances come more naturally. I suppose most people would identify that as my "true self," or assume that it is somehow more genuine than those identity-performances that require more effort. Those performances of the latter sort, I'm tempted to say, are just as valid as the former. Perhaps I am a more impressionable person than most, but I feel that my self-presentation varies dramatically throughout the week, day, minute... This becomes problematic when I feel shameful of the existence of one of my performances in the presence of another. All things associated with, let's say, performance "A" - Those for whom it is performed, the clothing that it wears, the things that it writes, says, does... I go to great measures to prevent from coming in to contact with those of performance "B." When they do finally collide (and they always do), I feel like a deeply disingenuous person. I find that I, in a sense, idolize so many different types of people that the temptation to embody certain aspects of each of their unique selves is irresistible. I feel that I have no backbone, and I am curious to know whether or not I can still call it a performance, even when I am the only one attending.

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