Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

In Class Writing 10/16

By Katie
Created 17 Oct 2007 - 3:27pm

I am driving down Overhulse by the dorms at about 10:30 PM. I noticed the cops before but I didn't think anything of it because they drove in different directions.  Then, of course, I saw the blue and red lights flashing.

(Oh Fuck!)

They shine that bright light (which I have never encountered), and I am forced to prematurely finish my cigarette which, you know, pissed me off. 

 The officer comes to my window and says, "Hello ma'am, do you know your tail light is out? And that you're going 45 in a 35?"

(Don't hello ma'am me, I'm TWENTY YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!)

 "Oh Really?! I had no idea! It must have just gone out!!"

 (When, in retrospect, It's been out for, oh I dunno, two months.)

 "Can I have your lisence and registration?"

I dig through everything in my car to find it + hand it to him. He's one of those creepily friendly cops who makes you extra nervous because you just know he's up to no good.

 "Did you know your registration is expired"

"What?! No!!!!! I didn't even know that registration DID expire!"

This statement is the only thing I said to Officer Friendly that was actually true. I mean, my mom's pretty on top of things, if a new registration came in the mail I would have gotten it. The only thing you'd have to worry about is me actually taking it from the mailbox and into my car. That's where the problem is.

"Do you live around here or go to school here?"

(Yeah you fucking dumbass I have an Illinois liscence and I am driving on the Evergreen campus. What the fuck do you think!!!)

"Yes officer, I go to Evergreen"

 So he writes me a ticket, not for the tail light or for speeding (total bullshit by the way, I was watching the speedometer and I was going like 37!) but for having expired registration.

 "So all you have to do is call your mom or dad and have them call the department of liscening and fax over your registration."

(Fuck you asshole my dad's dead and in addition to my mom being in Florida, she sure as hell doesn't know how to work a fax machine!) 

"Thank you officer, I'll do that. Have a good night!"  

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