Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Locker Room Luxury...Beauty Parlor (9-28-07)

By Amanda
Created 29 Sep 2007 - 10:33pm

First of all, the term "beauty parlor."  I would like to explain what this title means.  "Beauty Parlor," a mere code name is used to elucidate the uninteresting term, “Seminar.”  This is where students come together and discuss reports from the world outside the program.  In beauty parlors, gossip and knowledge are exchanged amidst the bustle of hair clippers and dryers.  A classroom environment can be viewed in much the same way, but with zippers and flyers.   Haha.  Ok, I had to throw that rhyme in there.  Anyways…seriously though, students in our beauty parlor are expected to come together, sharing bits of the outside world with fellow classmates, etc.   Laughing  Cool concept.

Ok, now to the real business; here's the low down of the locker room excursion:

Alicia (my bestest), Morgan, and I headed over to the “Women's Locker Room in the “College Recreational Center.” We walked through the main door and headed down a drab, gray hallway, passing the "Men's Locker Room" off to the left.  We then get to the back of the hallway and see a desk where you rent things (lock, or rock climbing shoes, etc.).  We wonder why this desk is back near the Women’s locker room.  Why wasn’t it placed in the center of the locker rooms, or before both sexes’ locker rooms?  We continue on our journey through two huge metal doors, veer off to the left (walls add more privacy I suspect).  Then we make our way into this domain and see rows of lockers parallel to one another, creating hallways.  The lockers were these metal boxes that personal possessions were stored and locked away.  People were apparently expected to leave their outside world; their being in this metal container, while they become someone else, in a sense.  

The whole area seemed tense, boorish, and metal.  It was definitely not a place of rest.  It gave off the feeling that people just go in to go right back out.  This place was meant to create a sense of privacy (and in turn creating a vulnerability), but at the same time creating a sense of immediacy.
Then there was the sauna.  This was the only place meant for relaxation in this dismal space.  Some people choose to attend this dark, wooden, room clad or wearing minimal clothes.  This room felt very nice to sit in. 
We concluded that this entire space known as the "Women's Locker Room" was mostly meant for quick passing and no relaxing.

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