Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

What about tattoos?

By Mykey
Created 30 Sep 2007 - 5:32pm
gay! [0]
Well I was reading Foucault and started thinking about sexuality, the body, and material things. What about tattoo’s? I started thinking about all of my gay friends and their unicorn and star tattoo’s, and big burly guy's and their biceps tribal swirly tattoo’s, then punk tattoo’s, gang tattoo’s, prison tattoo’s, and heritage tattoo’s. Couples with matching tattoo’s, name tattoo’s, and sexxy tattoo’s. Than there's piercing and those speak for themselves. But what really gets me thinking is the idea of the experience of getting a tattoo or piercing as being sexual as well as what you get and why. When I ponder on why people get tattoo’s there is no fixed answer, but regardless of why, tattoos and piercing become a fashioning on the body and become a part of one's sexuality. Any way back to reading.

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