Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

beauty parlor observation- registration office

By Olivia
Created 1 Oct 2007 - 1:57pm

When I first approached the office,  I noticed it was very makeshift.  This area is currently a temporary location, and so it looked like the office was thrown together.  The waiting area consisted of 3 chairs (no plants, magazines, etc.), and the main reception partition was so tall that the person on the other side could barely look over it sitting down.  Outside the office was a narrow hallway with 3 signs posted by the door that said, "DO NOT BLOCK THE DOORWAY!  Several times our observation group was mistaken for the actual line because this functional space was so small.  As I mentioned before, there was a main reception area where people came up to inquire about their registration needs.  When you enter the office, it looks like that is the only reception area, but it isn't!  Off to the left were other desks, with people ready to assist other people.  Very confusing to the student who wants to be helped.  You get the impression that there is only one place to go.  Because this was the last day on registration, our group was hoping to find crying students fighting for their class schedules, but alas, we were the ones that left in disappointment because everyone looked actually contented with their current schedule statusSmile.

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