Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Hannah Hoch "The Beautiful Girl" Freewrite

By Emily
Created 6 Nov 2007 - 6:57pm

BMW.BMW. BMW is the babe of cars. Cars are machines. Machines are feminized. Sexy car parts. Gears, wheels, electricity, hands of a clock--what pale soft hands she had--

umbrella. parasol--stop the sun from damaging that pale soft skin on her thighs. Reveal skin (to burn skin) and hide skin fromthe sun with that useless tool, parasol.

An absurdly large eye--childlike, feminized--watches. Is it human? It's a photographic collage of a human, how can it be human? There's this gear, a lever to wind with intricate parts. What happens when it turns? Do all the BMW icons spin?

My face and head--that which identifies me--is a lightbulb. The ideal of Good Hair, Nice Hair, Soft Manicured Human Hair lurks behind me, faceless. I cannot have this hair but artificially. 

The soft pale hand elegant dangles a pocket watch. Is it time yet? This is a man's tool, the pocket watch. The pocket watch has become part of Man of men of Men who live by those soft pale hands that carefully, gracefully move all day.

Whose hands made the pocket watch? Can a pocket watch become an additional body part of the man who wears it like a second skin, like a scar on his left side where those soft pale hands keep moving?

Here the pocket watch has been taken from his side. The pocket watch is placed in a new context, in a feminized space, in a space where the ideal of femininity explodes into the artifice it is--where yes women cannot attain this ideal but by artificial means so here the artificial means is the new ideal. Ideal curvy figure, Woman with a lightbulb for a head; pretty hair with no face or brain; soft pale hand with no body holds ticktocking soft pale hands--

The tire? The fire? Aren't cars and (re)inventing the wheel Man's work? Don't Men make sexy cars, make ideal cars, make this machine really perfect, good, nice, pretty? Don't men make the icon the idol? 

Don't men make the icon the idol?

Here the icons I've said before:

soft pale hands

good nice hair

curvy soft pale skin

(bathing suit)


watchful child/feminie face

Don't men make the icon an idol?


 After writing this, I remembered an event from the summer. My best friend got married, and I was one of her bridesmaids. At the rehearsal dinner, as is tradition (apparently?), she and the groom gave gifts to the bridesmaids and the groom's men. The men received a pocket watch, the women received a compact mirror. 

I would have loved a pocket watch. You would never give a compact mirror to men.  

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