Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

corpus week 7: Time Machine

By Marie
Created 6 Nov 2007 - 9:23pm
Today in her lecture Julia mentioned the concept of social classes changing the way bodies look or act.  I don't know if anyone is familiar with or has read The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, but in that book a man travels into the future and learns that the working class has evolved into this sub-human race of monsters that lives underground and eats members of the upper class, who are basically just a bunch of beautiful idiots.  Clearly it's a commentary on how he saw the class system a the time he was writing (1890's I think) and not actually meant to be ho he thought the world would be in a few thousand years.

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