Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

GE Answering System

By Kira
Created 7 Nov 2007 - 9:00pm
I am General Electric Answering System. I was born in Malaysia, but am of mixed heritage. My innards are sourced from over five additional locations. My purpose in life is quite straightforward-I record and repeat the messages of those individuals whom try to access my owners by telephone when my owners do not pick up. I have two mouths- one which eats and one which speaks. I eat electricity, which is sourced from an electrical outlet and enters my body through my imput, after which it runs through a series of digestive tubes, offering energy to all parts of my body. My other mouth's only function is to repeat what has been recorded on my memory card, or brain. My stomach is a fuse, where my nourishment is directed and stored. My other source of energy is through my  5.5 volt battery, or heart. It is always working, even when I am not taking additional energy in through one of my mouths. My vascular system, originating in this heart of mine, is embedded in my mother board, whose structure, like a skeleton, holds its structure and protects it. My nervous system, on the other hand, is housed in my Toshiba  processor, and accessed through the buttons on my epidermis. I have a removable instruction panel which tells humans how to interact with me. I liken this to my performative identity- clothing and mannerisms. They are removable and changeable, but affect the way in which I am perceived and treated by the external world. 

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