Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

e-Coupus, Week 6, #1

By Calvin
Created 9 Nov 2007 - 9:15am


Week 6

e-Corpus #1


         On Wednesday I arrived late to the spoken word performance, and was informed that the lecture hall was full and that I was to go to lecture hall #2 which was labeled as, The Diversity Overflow Room (actually it was called the “Diversity Overflow Classroom” but I think it sounds better with out the class bit).  When I went in there where a few other people from our class and we all sat close to gather, aside from us there where a few other people scattered around the room, so not vary full at all.  I then realized that we where going to watch it over a live video feed.

         So as we where watching this presentation we would occasionally talk or comment on what we where watching and we could put our feet up on the empty seats in front of us.  Even thought it was a live presentation it was for us a very low stakes situation.  I just found it interesting how we where acting more like we where watching a video than something happening in that moment.  For me it really highlighted how diffident I react to information presented to me on a screen, especially at low resolution.  So I suppose the question I have now is this: Is it possible to transmit a high stakes situation over a television, and how is that done.


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