Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Feminist Video Art 11/9

By Olivia
Created 10 Nov 2007 - 3:23pm
I found it very interesting to watch each of the clips that were shown, but I have to be honest, it really didn't impact me a whole lot.  It was the first clip 'Vertical Roll' that sort of shut me down for the performance.  That intense banging sound and the flipping visual made it really hard to take in for me.  The next two clips, 'Female Sensibility' and 'Through the Large Glass' I didn't connect with either.  There was however a positive turning point for me on the two final clips 'The East is Red, The West is Bending' and Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman'.  Martha Rosler was absolutely hilarious when she was reading those wok instructions and putting her own spin towards the end.  And of course, Wonder Woman brought me right back to 1978.  I felt like a kid again when idolizing thoughts came stirring back into my brain.  Overall, I wasn't very impacted by the performance, but there were definitely highlights to it.

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