Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

use your body to resist militarization!

By Katie
Created 12 Nov 2007 - 5:48pm

A lot of you probably know about the military shipments coming through the port right now, the actions people are taking, and the police brutality that has taken place over the past few days. If any of you have been around or seen pictures/video of the riot cops, they have a distinct air of cyborg-ness to them. Lots of really fucked up things have been happening, such as women being grabbed by their breasts by cops, a gay man overhearing "let's get that fag" and then being arrested for no reason, people's protective glasses being removed by the cops and then being pepper sprayed from two feet away, etc. It's really important to get media attention from this, not just because of the blatant police brutality that has taken place, but because it is important to let the world know that the US will not stand for a racist, imperialist, illegal war. You should definately get down to the port any time in the next week to witness it for yourself.


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