Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)


By emily
Created 13 Nov 2007 - 7:53pm
The bodies of the workers are an extension of the world they inhabit and the machines they work with.  In some sense the relationship between worker and machine could be considered symbiotic, as they both depend on each other's existence to continue functioning.  However each member in the relationship is completely disposable and replaceable.  It is hard to tell which party in the relationship is in control.  
For me, the most memorable scene of the way in which the machines dictate human movement  was when Freder switches places with the worker at the circular light bulb machine.  The way in which he is obligated to contort his body was extremely jarring and a very apt visual reference as to how modern society instills forms of pain and panic.  

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