Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Corpus – Anxiety about Cyborg Guitars

By Spencer
Created 14 Nov 2007 - 1:21pm


http://idolator.com/tunes/the-final-countdown/artificially-intelligent-guitar-able-to-tune-itself-destroy-human-civilization-322554.php [1]

I just found the following blog post about a new electric guitar that tunes itself.  The photo accompanying the post is of the Terminator (I think).  The post jokes about this guitar being evil and wanting to destroy the world.  I think there’s this underlying concept of this guitar as a cyborg, which goes back this cultural idea that a guitar is natural, a natural means of expressing yourself in a way that, say, an 808 or a vocoder is not.  This is a theme of my project, so I was excited to see this post.  I think the author is clearly sarcastic (i.e. they are mocking anxieties about cyborg guitars, not engaging in anxieties about them) but that what they are joking about gets at all the discourses surrounding guitars.

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