Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

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By Gianna
Created 14 Nov 2007 - 8:13pm

Hi bodies,

 I'm not continuing with the class next quarter, mostly because Ive been waiting for a chance to do this contract. If anyone's interested in the things I'm studying, I'd still really like to talk with you. Here it is. 


Dear class,

Next quarter I'm going to learn Italian, with only my robotic Italian friends on language cds and in lesson books for company- and im going to read linguistic theory by a vibrant and rigorous linguist/philosopher/mathematician named Wittgenstein, who says that it's impossible to learn a language alone. I'm looking for cohorts who are responsibly flexible, interested, and who don't mind a bit of theory or a good black and white film with subtitles and a less than linear plot. 


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