Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

11/6- Star Wars Sacrifice

By Olivia
Created 15 Nov 2007 - 2:06pm
I loved the doll show and tell!  It was great to see what types of dolls people brought in, and how they compare to the others.  Looking at those dolls brought me back to when me and my (then) husband had an extensive Star Wars collection.  It all started when were going to college in North Dakota, and it was at the same time when George Lucas re-released the original Star Wars movies in the theaters.  Living in the midwest, it was hard to find stuff to do, so we started going to the Wal-Mart in search of the Power of the Force action figures.  We were driven to find ALL of them!  When we moved back to Washington a couple years later, our collection didn't stop growing.  Now we were able to go to other chain stores to get the latest batch.  At that time, the new Star Wars movies were coming out, and we would camp overnight for tickets and seats to every one.  We went absolutely nuts over Star Wars!  When we got divorced last year, we had to decide who would get the collection.  Because of it's massiveness, we decided that he would get the Star Wars Collection and I would end up with the house.  I still think about that collection and miss all the memories , but I'm glad I gave it up to have a roof over my head.

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