Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

techno oh-no!

By Emily
Created 16 Nov 2007 - 3:05pm

the other day I got into a conversation about techno music and its authenticity as music. I argued that it is music, just not organic music. The other person argued that it wasn't music at all because it didn't involve instruments. Valid enough, except that, potentially, anything that you use to make a rhythm or melody could be thought of as music. . .maybe? Is that a stretch, and does that create "cyborg" music? I thought about the idea of organic music. . .that if thinking that technology inhibits or depreciates music, then electric guitars wouldn't be music. . .neither would listening to a record, or any media that requires energy or electricity to play! ? Is organic music only hearing flutes and strings and the like firsthand? No recordings? Does this relate to the passage in Tomorrow's Eve about the recording changing what is recorded. . .or when Edison says "It [the phonograph] can't record an eloquent silence or the sound of rumors. In fact, as far as voices go, it is helpless to represent the voice of conscious."  You can never REALLY recreate or represent the true meaning of what you're doing. . . Or perhaps the semiotics of music. . .the signifier is not the signified. The CD is not the music, and itunes is not the music. Even at a live show, could you consider amplified music as NOT organic music?


Here's what I'm thinking in my philosophical banter head space : Music that involves electricity is a cyborg, and is not organic music. This is a really blatant, unresearched statement, and not that I actually am applying this to my life, but please, refute me on this, for humor's sake.

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