Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Pauline Pantsdown

By Spencer
Created 17 Nov 2007 - 12:41pm


I was devastated to find that the amazing interview with Pauline Pantsdown and Vanessa was not available on YouTube. However, I was able to find mp3s of I Don't Like It and Backdoor Man.

Backdoor Man [1]

(you should be able to save this as an mp3 from this page)

I Don't Like It [2] 

(this link will take you to a page with a link you can use to download the mp3 right near the top.  WARNING: this site has swastikas as the background, I think as a critique of Pauline Hanson's racist politics.)


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