Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

e-Corpus, Week 4, #2

By Calvin
Created 11 Dec 2007 - 1:47pm
It felt so odd this week when we did the workshop where we took apart other peoples work and rewrote it as it pleased us.  All through most of my schooling I was taught and almost reverence for the texts of others, and having that in the back of my mind it was hard for me to rip apart the text I had been given.  What I had been given was Cock and Bull which is an amusing story about a transvestite.  By ripping it apart and reassembling it I found that not only had I crated something amusing but I also had a grater understanding of the text.  It made me to pay attention to every word and the order they where laid down.  I became vary connected to the fore pages of the story I had been given and did understand it better.  Though it is time consuming I think it will be a strategy I will use more to become closer to what I’m reading.

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