Published on Fashioning the Body: Versions of the Citizen, the Self, and the Subject (http://www2.evergreen.edu/fashioningthebody)

Practice Beauty Shop Findings

By Carly
Created 5 Oct 2007 - 11:57am
Last week for the beauty shop wanderings I investigated the bookstore. I began my study by moving through the store noticing the people and set up of the store itself and the items within. The store was set up very systematically. For those who enjoy spending their money on useless but definately "must haves" there is a whole area of that type of stuff when you first enter the store, imediately attracking attention. Then the store is seperated into several sections: evergreen school propoganda(golf balls, mugs, stuffed goey ducks, etc.), school supplies, computer supplies, clothing, intrest books and school books. There was an information desk in the middle of the store, with people willing and waiting to answer questions or help. The store seemed very easy to navigate within, especially for those people who come into the store with something specific in mind. There is also a large sale section that is somewhat in the middle of the store, where people can gather random things they might eventually need, at a discount. It's interesting the way the school supplies and the school books are on complete opposite sides so that people are forced to walk through the other areas on their way from one to another. This seems like a set up to attempt them to spend more money because as they pass through they might see something else they need or just want. Along with a place of purchase the bookstore seemed like a place of meeting. There were a few small groups of people who had randomly ran into each other and then proceded to have conversations, perhaps introducing their companion to the new addition. There were lots of smiles coming from these groups of people. Smiles, laughing and conversation from the people who meet or came in together. The people who came in by themselves usually looked more concentrated or were frowning. They seemed to know more what they wanted then those who were gossiping and wandering throughout the store. 

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