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I am interested in:

Feminist theory

Film theory

Feminist film theory!


Philosophy of art


Black and white photography



I see myself watching films and making a visual, critical response. I want to study feminist theory more, and find a way to apply those ideas to a visual format. In particular, I imagine reading de Lauretis and her contemporaries, or those who came before her. So, read theory, make a visual response: rearticulate, educate, refute, respond. I'm considering making critically-informed movie posters as a visual response.


I want to work with people whose interests would inform mine. I am a pretty serious student who needs reliable, responsible, critically-engaged, excited people to work with. Let's talk and look at our work and read cool essays that make us view things differently! And watch films and look at photographs. Gender as a representation, gendered images, alternative performances of gender, all these great things need to be looked at through visual media and then some!

Submitted by Emily on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 7:18pm. Emily's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version