personal ad- let me print your portrait!

I am looking to do a series of portraits in different print media (relief, some intaglio, and some silk screening) and I am looking for other printmakers/ visual artisits/ photographers to share in critique of content/process. I have always been interested in portraits, and am going to use this project to look deeper into portraits. I am going to study the history of portraiture and non-traditional portraiture, and I am particularly interested in what I call "The Myspace Self portrait"...those glamour shots that everyone takes in the mirror with a sultry look on their face. I am thinking about contrasting these in my own series of self portraits.

I am really excited about this project and I am looking to work with others that feel the same. If you have printmaking/photography background, or just any visual art and are looking for a group that will thoroughly critique your visual process, so am I! And if your interested in portraiture and self-image but are working in an entirely different me anyways, I'd love to share ideas!



Submitted by Molly on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 11:47am. Molly's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version