The IDF "recuperates" poststructural theory


A very real form of appropriation from the "conceptual toolbox" of poststructural analysis. An IDF military theorist, who fought in every Israeli war since 1967 and basically engineered Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, utilizing poststructural idea(l)s to wage war on the people of Palestine.

What I really wanted to say, had there been anyone around me while I was reading this, was that I know what has happened here, with Naveh, is wrong, I just can't say why until I have a chance to think about it more. We have to clear Gilles, Felix and Paul (but not Michel) - they are the hands of heroes that strangle tyrants and not the other way around, no matter how fascinating such an inversion (which Haaretz has so diligently exposed) might be.


Submitted by Connor on Sat, 10/27/2007 - 8:23pm. Connor's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version