Hermissenda crassicornis

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Hermissenda crassicornis

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Gastropoda
Order: Nudibranchia
Family: Facelinidae
Genus: Hermissenda
Species: H. crassicornis


Common Names

Opalencent Nudibranch


4-5 cm in length, aprox 1 cm wide.


Kodiak, AK south to Mexico, also found off the coast of Japan and Korea.


Can be found intertidally, subtidally, in bays, estuaries and along open coast.


Transparant white body with a neon orange stripe running along the first part of its dorsal side. A bluish-white line is visable on the dorsal side of the oral tentacles. This line splits in two, one part running long the length of the foot, and one outlining the orange stripe. Cerata are translucent with a blue line running the entire length ending in a bright orange tip.

Natural History

This nudibranchs bright colors warn predators that it is carrying toxin. While some would be predators avoid it for that reason, some have developed ways to avoid the cerata.

Life History

H. crassicornis commonly feeds on Acsidians, hydroids, and other molluscs. Like other sea slugs, they are hermaphrodydic, but unlike other species, mating lasts only a few seconds. Eggs are packed in white ribbon like coils and are found attached to hard surfaces and in eel grass. Nematocysts from prey items are carried on their back as protection from predators.

Works Cited

Brusca, Richard C., and Brusca, Gary J. Invertebrates. 2nd. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2003.

Behrens, Dave. "Hermissenda crassicornis." The Slug Site. Sept. 1999. 15 May 2008 <http://slugsite.us/bow/nudwk188.htm>.

Various. "The Sea Slug Forum – Hermissenda crassicornis." The Sea Slug Forum. 19 May 2008 <http://www.seaslugforum.net>.

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