Pugettia producta

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Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Crustacea
Subclass: Eumalacostraca
Superorder: Eucarida
Suborder: Pleocyemata
Infraorder: Brachyura
Section: Eubrachyura
Subsection: Heterotremata
Superfamily: Majoidea
Genus: Pugettia
Species: producta


Common name

Northern kelp crab, Kelp crab, Shield-backed crab


5cm in length and width of 6cm


South Alaska to North Mexico, intertidal to 75 meters


Open coast, tidepools, algae, pilingsurfgrass, dense kelp beds, eelgrass, and rocky shores


The group's common name is spider crabs because of their four very long spider like legs and two modified legs called chelipeds. The males have larger chelipeds but the females have longer legs. The juveniles are olive colored and adults are reddish brown with black spot on the thorax. The coloration is from their diet and environment. The thorax looks like police badge which is called carapace. The carapace is smooth, and on the edges are spines. The eyes are very dark and located a little behind the carapace. The abdomen has seven segments.

Pugettia producta


June to July is when the males and females engage intercourse. The eggs they may stay in the female's abdomen for two generations till they mature into adolescent crabs.


Nocturnal eater mostly vegetarian in the habitats for bull kelp, rockweed, sea cabbage; if food is scarce it will eat barnacles, hydroids, mussels and bryozoans.


Sea otters, Sculpins, Seals and Seabirds.

Additional Resources

University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
Biota @ Evergreen
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