Published on "Liberty and Justice for All" (http://www2.evergreen.edu/libertyandjustice)


By becks
Created 2007-08-28 11:59

In addition to the program texts, we will be reading the following, whole or in part. Links are also available on the syllabus page.

Hugh Wilder, "How To Read Philosophy" [1]

Fredrick Douglass, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?" [2]

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, Fifth Debate [3]

Abraham Lincoln, "Second Inaugural Address" [4]

John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism [5].

John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor, "The Subjection of Women" [6] 

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, "Declaration of the Rights of Women" [7]

Karl Marx, "Estranged Labor" [8]

Karl Marx, "Idealism and Materialism" [9] (from the German Ideology)

Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto [10].

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