Published on Mediaworks (http://www2.evergreen.edu/mediaworks)

What does this sound make you think of?

In cinema, audio is usually built around video. Sound effects and music in film are essential to building emotional tone. If you don’t believe me, watch the stabbing scene in Psycho to Maxwell’s Silver Hammer by The Beatles. Sound must work with the visuals to enhance or define a scene.

What if we flipped the balance of power and created visuals around sound?

Essentially, this is what is done in a concert setting for big name performers. I would like to showcase the animation and filmmaking skills of an affinity group that creates a visual representation of a song or series of songs.

Presentation will be decided as a group.

For starters, we have the option of recording music, performing it live or using something all together pre-recorded. At any rate, the song or method chosen would be the first of many important decisions. After all, if we are building a visual representation of a song or songs, we’re going to have to listen to it/them over and over again. Consider that if the song has lyrics, the words will affect the visual interpretation. Alternatively, an instrumental song will have a broad diversity of interpretations.

To expand on this idea, we can go one step further. Let’s say that after we have created the visuals for the song, we throw the song out and instead substitute our own sound effects and instrumentals for the piece. This, of course, is another “what if” to be decided as a group.

This project will be heavy on the editing so as to match up with the song-or not. It will also require a lot of regular planning meetings with all members involved. Ability to play an instrument is helpful, but not essential. We will need talented people with a desire to work in animation, photography and/or cinematography as this will be a visually important piece.

This idea is not meant to be a typical music video. It will not showcase the artist, but rather be inspired by our interpretation of the song. It may also be performed live rather than as a purely video presentation. Think of this more in terms of a laser show than a music video.

Here are some examples of outstanding media that inspired this idea. I recommend you watch these things on DVD or listen on CD instead of streaming them:

Gorillaz Demon Days:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5157251845626381152&q=demon+days&total=1005&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1 [1]

Excerpt from Pink Floyd’s The Wall:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3198652156119293150&q=the+wall&total=72657&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1 [2]

Orson Welles’ Radio Broadcast Adaptation of H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds:

http://www.archive.org/details/WAROFTHEWORLDS2 [3]

Submission by Isaac Rivelle

‹ Magic Dragons [3]

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