Published on Mediaworks (http://www2.evergreen.edu/mediaworks)

Winter Seminar Assignments

By hayesr
Created 2008-01-08 08:32

Mediaworks Seminar Assignments Winter 2008

1) Continue to write a seminar pass for each week but make this a polished, more developed pass than what was expected in the fall. Bring it to seminar to turn in, and take it to your affinity group meeting as part of your contribution to the group work.
2) Spring Project research paper due week 10. The assignment for this will be handed out at the week 3 Wrap.
3) Portfolio: contains all writing for the quarter including passes, weekly responses, affinity group writing that you contributed to, Spring Quarter research paper, self-evaluation draft.

Affinity Groups:
1) During week 1, write a manifesto that defines your group’s common identity, interests and/or beliefs relevant to media. This should not just be a diatribe against past practices but should suggest new directions you’d like to see media take, or proposals for action. Manifestos are commonly one or two pages long.
2) Create a drupal page or on-line zine or other web presence that features your group’s manifesto and images or audio clips you think appropriate. If you do not use drupal, you must make a drupal page that links to your group site. This is due by Monday of week 2.
3) Every week write a group response that integrates each member’s own seminar response. What ideas do you have in common about the week’s content? What are your differences? How does the week’s content resonate with your group’s ideas about media or the ideas you expressed in your manifesto? As with all responses, the writing should be grounded in the week’s texts and works screened. Post it on your affinity group page. Contributors to that week’s writing should sign their names. Responses should be posted by 9 am Monday morning of the next week.
4) There will be a forum for each of the seven outside screenings (including the Evergreen Expressions performance week three) that Danny or Lauren will initiate with some information about the works screened. After each outside screening your affinity group should write a response to the works screened on the forum. The first group to post will comment on the initial information and then add their ideas. Each successive group comments on the previous group’s writing, and then adds their own ideas. Contributors to each response should sign their names. Outside screening responses are due by 9 am Monday of the next week.
5) On Tuesday afternoon of week 10 there will be an in-class, “open book” assessment in response to the Chris Marker film that we will screen in the morning. You will work with your affinity group to complete this assessment. More on this later!

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