Published on Mediaworks (http://www2.evergreen.edu/mediaworks)

Join the Mediaworks Listserv!

By hayesr
Created 2007-10-11 20:11
We now have an email list for Mediaworks. To subscribe, you may use one of two methods:

1. send a blank e-mail to: join-mediaworks<at>lists.evergreen.edu


2. go to http://www.evergreen.edu/lists/ and click the subscribe button next to mediaworks

Either way you choose, you will then be sent a confirmation e-mail to verify your subscription. This subscription confirmation is an important security step to keep our lists spam-free. It is important that you enter a real name: both first and last. This will prevent spammers from getting through to your list.

To send email to everyone on this list, send the e-mail to: mediaworks@lists.evergreen.edu
Reply replies to the sender of the message only
Reply to All replies to everyone on the list.

Read lists messages from a web browser
All messages sent to the list will be in a web archive accessible at http://lists.evergreen.edu/read/?forum=mediaworks
Note: to use the web archive you will have to subscribe using the web-based method at www.evergreen.edu/lists and must set a password for your account.

Please sign up for this list as it will quickly become the most common and easiest way for all of us to get in touch with each other.

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