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Doug Kahn, visiting artist and scholar, week 8

By floresgb
Created 2007-10-17 19:31

Evergreen alum, scholar and audio artist Doug Kahn will visit us week 8 to speak about electro-magnetism and the arts, and "Media Ventriloquism." Please read the attached article before his talk.

Wednesday night, 11/14, at 7 pm in the Recital Hall:

Earth Return: Noise and the Nature of Electromagnetism
Natural radio was heard twenty years before radio was invented. It was heard in the telephone when lines acted as unwitting antennas. Now, despite being saturated in signals, we have few cultural cues and little environmentalist grasp of electromagnetism. Luckily, more people are listening to amateurs and artists and to noises and odd little sounds.

Friday noon, 11/14, in the Recital Hall:

Media Ventriloquism
What happens when the puppet loses the tight-jawed twang and finds its voice in a well-known political figure, when the puppet loses the forearm and grows a real spine, saying what it really meant to say? Rare footage of Pauline Pantsdown: the anti-Citizen Kane of Australian political drag.

Rapt in attention: Drugs and Sound
Douglas Kahn, February 2001



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