ARCHIVE - Mediaworks - Outside Screening Response en ARCHIVE - Chile: Obstinate Memory <div><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px" class="Apple-style-span">CHILE, OBSTINATE MEMORY visits with Chileans who experienced the coup first-hand (some of whom are seen in<em>The Battle of Chile</em> from 25 years ago). Survivors reminisce as they watch that film, recognizing lost comrades and recalling their courage, gaiety and love of life. Those who were not killed during the coup itself were crowded into the National Stadium in Santiago, where many were tortured, disappeared, and never seen again. Survivors talk about the terror that characterized the Pinochet regime until the dictator was finally obliged to relinquish power.</span></div><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Outside Screening Response Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:01:03 -0800 Danny Bark 217 at