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devin toan

ahoy, identify me as devin toan. dis/connect me at

 I really enjoy all sorts of creative endeavors.  Some mediums I'm thinking of are printmaking, stencil making, paper making, group projects, detailed work of crazy kinds, book binding, ceramics, and animations.  I think a lot about technologies and extensions of man, like discussion philosophies on man,  media (extensions of our senses) I would like to get together for poetry readings in the woods, hold group crafty gatherings.  I suppose I am thinking about a lot of issues and have not narrowed it down too much yet, thats the next step for me is to find people to connect with about certain issues and what can be done with some active art projects.  I would like to learn from the science folk in the program because I am really hoping to get a better grasp on talking about knowledge these ways and I think that I have a lot to learn and offer this way.  I really like walking, talking, eating and cooking good vegan food, smiling laughing, and life.

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