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John Connolly, yer new pal

Hullo y'all

I'm John Connolly. I am a transplant to the NW (I'm an invasive species), having grown up in St. Louis and Chicago. I've been here since 2000, starting with Seattle and moving to Oly about 2 years ago.

Despite being a city kid, I love the outdoors and enjoy camping, hiking, messing around in tide pools, picking mushrooms, whitewater rafting, etc. I am interested in forest ecology for myriad reasons, but a glaring one is that in my area (Summit Lake) the surrounding lands are owned by Weyerhaeuser, and they occasionally do massive clear cuts, really blighting my home and affecting the local wildlife. Summit Lake is a watershed area and needs its surrounding forest to be healthy. Waaah! I am also just generally interested in plant and animal taxonomy and biology. I am in love with critters and plants and need to know more solid stuff about them. But I will definitely need help in this area.

I have tons of experience in drawing and painting and I am decent at several types of printmaking, as well as sculpture. If you ever need a hand regarding artistic technique, I can often help break it down for you, and I would be happy to. I suppose I am merely fair to adequate at Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, and Powerpoint, so I’ll just be struggling along with that.

My hobbies (that I haven’t already listed) include Vegan cooking (and of course eating!), gardening, reading, the occasional video game or movie, and martial arts. In fact, I am teaching Jujutsu for free at the CRC on Monday nights at 7pm to 8:45pm. You are all welcome to attend.

Some of you might also know me as your waiter at the Fishtale Brewpub. Mmmmm beeeeer…

Contact me at 360-704-8990 or Foot in mouth

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